Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dr.'s Appt.

   So sorry for taking so long to update!  My doctors appt went GREAT.  We had a scare a few days before due to some spotting so we were on pins an needles waiting for the ultrasound.  We found out that we are only having one McCoy baby and that is OK with us.  Twins would be nice but a lot more scary for us.  The heart beat was 141 and Dr. G says this is a great sign.  Thanks for all of the prayers!  Please keep them coming.  We go back on July 20th and can't wait to see and hear our sweet baby's hear again.  Most of my friends and family, including Trent kind of think this one may be a little girl!  What do you think?  We are going on nine weeks now and I am so ready to get out of the first trimester!  I'll try to do better to keep you updated!  God continues to bless us and we are so greatful!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations again! I'm soo glad to hear that everything is still going good! Grow baby grow and I can't wait to hear the next update!

    Lots of Love xoxox
