Friday, June 10, 2011

Twins Again? Maybe...

   After going to have blood work yesterday, my doctor told me that she would do an ultrasound today if my HCG was at least 3500.  She doubted it would be, since it was only 400 on Monday.  If my levels doubled since Monday, it would still only be around 800 or possibly around a 1,000.  Low and behold, it had definitely doubled...Even quadrupled.  Today I got the results back and it was 12,075.  The nurse called and wanted me in immediately for an ultrasound, because obviously, twins were expected.  We only saw one sac today but this is exactly what happened with Easton and Parker.  There was only one baby we were told and then VOILA, at six weeks, there were two.  We don't really know what to think and are stunned to say the least but we will see. We pray that if there are two, that they are healthy and if there is only one that it is just as healthy.  Please continue to pray for us, as we are terrified and excited at the same time.  I'll keep you guys updated.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26

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